xx; remains of the shadows

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newBookmarkLockedFalling I am SO sick of this.
vena sera ! 32 780 by vena sera !
Aug 31, 2009 19:40:45 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling xx plush [open]
vena sera ! 19 394 by .* Hidden *.
Aug 23, 2009 23:05:39 GMT -5


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xx; remains of the shadows
Much more prominent and with a far better chance of succession were the Faithful Shadows, made up of cunning and cruel rebels who retaliated against the unfairness of StarClan's law. After they were finally slain by the four Clans, Stormfaith and her followers, the Faithful Shadows, scattered like fallen leaves. Their old campsite is still visited by the children of those who fought and shed blood for the honor they thought was righteous.
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